

hylah birenbaum

Haywood Community College Welcomes Hylah Birenbaum as Executive Director of the Foundation

9.10.21 Haywood Community College is pleased to announce Hylah Birenbaum as the new Executive Director of the College’s Foundation on October 1. Birenbaum serves on numerous local boards.

brian wurst

Professional Crafts Wood Instructor Creates Trout for Race

9.7.21 Haywood Community College’s Professional Crafts Wood instructor Brian Wurst and student lab technicians crafted a few hundred wooden fish for use in Haywood Waterways Association and Big Brothers Big Sisters Trout Race. The ‘trout’ will...

NC Education Leaders Address Increasing Statewide Teacher Pipeline, Articulation Agreement Creates a New Pathway From Community Colleges to UNC

9.3.21 North Carolina education leaders signed an agreement to address the critical teacher shortage in the state. President Thomas Stith of the North Carolina Community College System and President Peter Hans of the University of North Carolina...

boating safety

Haywood Community College Hosts Boating Safety Courses

9.2.21 Haywood Community College’s Department of Arts, Sciences, and Natural Resources and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission offered a boating safety course September 22-23.

timbersport champions

Lumberjacks Compete at the 2021 STIHL Timbersports US Championships, Student Darby Hand Named US Rookie Champion

8.30.21 Three athletes with ties to the Haywood Community College lumberjack team competed at the STIHL Timbersports US Championships in Little Rock, Arkansas. Darby Hand, current HCC Forest Management Technology student, was named 2021 US Rookie...